Danielle Clough, aka Fiancé Knowles, is a South African artist known for her vibrant and expressive embroidered art.
Danielle Clough, aka Fiancé Knowles, is a South African artist known for her vibrant and expressive embroidered art.
Liz Kueneke's community created maps plot personal paths through urban environments.
Liz Kueneke's community created maps plot personal paths through urban environments.
Kate Kretz is an acclaimed multidisciplinary artist known for her intricate, time-intensive works that tackle challenging societal issues.
Kate Kretz is an acclaimed multidisciplinary artist known for her intricate, time-intensive works that tackle challenging societal issues.
Kathy Halper is a mixed media artist from Illinois whose art takes a leftfield look at life.
Kathy Halper is a mixed media artist from Illinois whose art takes a leftfield look at life.
Lesley Wood is a British mixed media textile artist whose work connects the personal past with an unknown future.
Lesley Wood is a British mixed media textile artist whose work connects the personal past with an unknown future.
Orly Cogan is a New York-based textile artist whose embroidered fabrics contain other-worldly images of modern concepts with a dream-like twist.
Orly Cogan is a New York-based textile artist whose embroidered fabrics contain other-worldly images of modern concepts with a dream-like twist.
Per Fhager is a Swedish artist whose large scale needlepoint pieces immortalise video games.
Per Fhager is a Swedish artist whose large scale needlepoint pieces immortalise video games.
Ruth Norbury is a Swansea-based artist whose mixed media embroideries explores themes of urban decay and loneliness.